Dog Talk
Dog Talk classes are currently not in session. Check back for more updates.
A Fun Class About Canines for Middle and Lower School Children

4th-8th graders – Before the summer totally sets in and before vacations commence, join us for 4 weeks of More Dog Talk, a further exploration of all things “dog.” More Dog Talk is a continuation of Dog Talk 1 and Dog Talk 2 and will delve into even more interesting topics about our fascinating furry friends.
Ages: For 4th-8th grade students. Adults who are young at heart may join us as well.
Dates: Saturdays, June 19, 26, July 10, July 17 – Participants may attend as many or as few classes as they wish.
Time: 11 am to 12 pm
Cost: $60
Topics Covered
In our third session of our Dog Talk series, we will explore the following topics:
- Different dog breeds, their histories, their temperaments, tendencies, strengths and challenges.
- Dog training – following up our discussion of dog breeds, we will investigate how we train a dog, the techniques necessary to raise a well-behaved canine and the many ways to train different breeds.
- The history of dogs in our world, their early origins and their development over many centuries, especially in relation to their connection with the human race.
- The relationship between people and dogs. What is it? Why do so many Americans own dogs? What is it about dogs that so many people love? What does the connection between do for us? For our dogs?
The first two classes (June 19 and June 26) will be offered via Zoom and the last two classes (July 10 and July 17) will be offered (weather permitting) in-person at the house of Tom Richards of Nellie’s Schoolhouse at 35 Old Covered Bridge Rd. Newtown Square Pa. 19035.
Please join us for fascinating facts and discussions about our canine friends. We know it’s summertime but dogs are cool all year round! We look forward to having you with us.
Register for More Dog Talk
Once you sign up for our program, you will receive a Zoom link approximately two (2) days before each class.